Contributions to the Research Project

March 11, 2024

1. I documented and reported the minutes of our initial project meeting 

2. I voted and finalised a research topic: Improvements to WeWalk Smart Cane By Integrating LIDAR Cameras to Enhance Safety Features.

3. I contributed to defining a clear problem statement and purpose statement for our research. This included carefully considering the ideal scenario, pinpointing gaps in existing research, and defining the goals embedded in the problem statement.

4. I conducted research about the applications and the sensors used in existing smart walking sticks for the introduction portion of the report. Using Google and Google scholar as main search engines. 

5. Due to our small group size and manpower, I took up additional roles and taskings for the research project.

6. Along with the other members, produced the presentation slides for the group pitch, ensuring that the content was aligned with the report.

7. Ensured that the formatting for the report was consistent throughout and that there are no grammatical errors.

8. Ensured that the writing of the report stayed within our content parameters, and did not include redundant information.


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